Picture a homeless mother and her son. Imagine that she takes off her coat to just protect the well-being of her little one, and then walks out onto the road in the cold, asking for food or money. She doesn’t want to beg anyone, because this would portray her as someone who didn’t work hard enough for her little family. She would be portrayed as someone who did not care about her social identity or the way that she was presented to other people. She would be portrayed as clingy or helpless, and she’d always have a constant thought that highlighted that she was not doing her familial job well enough.
To get active within the current world that we live in, Infinity Institute’s council of phoenixes presented the ‘Blessing Bags’ drive. This drive was dedicated towards helping the less fortunate, like those who cannot afford to pay for their own homes and families in Jersey City. And right now, I’m sure that you have seen people on the streets next to the red lights out in the dark. Our school’s goal was to donate four hundred and fifty bags. We have not reached our goal as of yet, so make sure to give these goods to your class advisors by April 12th.
Types of Donations for Different Grade Levels:
Food – Sixth Grade and Ninth Grade
- Trail Mix
- Crackers
- Granola Bars
- Beef/Turkey Jerky
- Electrolyte Powder
Cleaning – Seventh Grade and Tenth Grade
- Q-Tips
- Washcloths
- Mini Combs and Hairbrushes
- Tissue Packs
- Wet Wipes
- Castille Soap
Castille soap is plant-based soap.
Health – Eleventh Grade
- Mint
- First Aid Items or First Aid Kits
- bandaids
- antibiotic treatments
- Vaseline
- SPF (sunscreen or some sort of sun protection)
- Hand Warmers
- Toothbrushes
“Kind” – Eighth and Twelfth Grade
- Greeting Cards
- Service Cards
- Hair-Ties
- Nail files
- Socks
- Gum
- Menstrual Hygiene Products
You can purchase these items from your local corner store or you can even buy these items online. Don’t worry about how much your donation consists of and compare it to those of others. All that matters is that you actually made a donation! And Infinity Institute appreciates your support! And if you are aware that you cannot donate anything to this drive, you can instead talk about it with your classmates when you get the chance. What is important is that you believe that this is a cause that needs supporting.
It is so important to get involved with helping the less fortunate out because it shows us that we all aren’t that different after all. This is despite our social status, our race or ethnicity, our political opinions, our gender, our sexual orientation and what not. We should always have the drive/motive to help people out, no matter what!
This is because without that drive that motivates us to make decisions, we lose our sense of humanity.