Middle School’s Black History Month Bowl
The Black History Month Bowl is a jeopardy competition that takes place during February. The competition is at the very end of February, usually February 28 and on leap years, February 29. Middle school students can watch it during 5th periods and they can cheer on for their grades. The grade with the most points at the end of the competition wins!
Middle School’s BHM Bowl 2025
The students entered the decorated auditorium with “That’s What I Like” by Bruno Mars playing to hype them up. The 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who were a part of competing went to their designated spot and the middle schoolers who were just watching sat in their chairs. I can only remember who were in the 7th grade group which were:
- Samaira Aggarwal
- Aman Hashmi
- Alexa Jadach
- Kavin Kumarappan
- Haazim Shaikh
- Nathaniel Villanueva
Charlie Lloyd and Rabiya Khan were a part of the group but couldn’t compete since there were supposed to be only 6 people. The competition started and everyone was ready. Throughout the competition, the 8th graders buzzed in a lot of time. This made the 7th graders and maybe even the 6th graders think that the high schoolers, who decided which grade clicked the buzzer first, were being biased. At the end, the 8th grade won which made both grades upset. The 7th grade were raged and the 6th graders had Mrs. Barfield disappointed in them because they broke her streak of winning.
The Problems of This Year’s Middle School BHM Bowl
Many 7th graders thought that high schoolers shouldn’t have decided who buzzed in first. They think that a teacher who isn’t the advisor or teacher for 6th, 7th, and 8th should judge it instead because they wouldn’t be as biased. Additionally, it was considered cheating to have Rabiya replace someone in the 7th grade team when they didn’t know the answer to the final question. This outraged the 7th grade team because Rabiya was a part of it.
Most of the 7th graders were angry afterwards because they didn’t win even though they saw Nathaniel, the buzzer for the 7th grade group, buzz in as soon as Mr. Roger ended the question. Some 7th graders were happy because Mrs. Barfield lost her streak. In conclusion, this year’s BHM bowl had the 6th and 7th grade upset because they lost and there were problems during the competition.